
Case 1: FairField FCNT only

This is an example for a project to convert a series of FCNT files to SDS. The software is able to walk recursively in the subfolders:

# This is a template config file
UTM_zone = 34S


folder = "/mnt/hard_drive/testdata"
recursive = False

components = HHZ,HHN,HHE
sds_root = SDS
sampling_rates = raw, 50
response_root = RESP

Step 1

The next step is to run the largen index command that will list all files matching *.fcnt in the folder. Once files have been listed, they will be read and indexed. The index will be saved in a local LARGEN folder in the h5 format. This indexation allows to rapidly access waveform data in the files.

Step 2

One finished, the largen index process will output a new file in the project directory called metadata.csv. If UTM_zone was provided in the config.ini, the X and Y UTM coordinates from the FCNT files are already converted to Latitude and Longitude.

The next step for the user is to create a copy of the metadata_csv and call it metadata_UPDATED.csv. In this file, the user is expected to input the seed_id. Seed IDs are compulsory to convert the FCNT files to SDS. The IDs need to be provided in the NET.STA.LOC.CHAN format, e.g BE.TOM.00.HHZ, even if the FCNT file contains three channels (the HHZ will be replaced on the fly when converting or preparing the response files).

The Latitude/Longitude can also be changed in the metadata_UPDATED.csv files, as the X,Y coordinates in the FCNT file could be the pre-planned locations, but not the final locations.

Step 3

largen convert will make use of metadata_UPDATED.csv to list the files to convert to SDS. This step will convert the content of FCNT files to SDS, using the export_to_sds configuration parameters. The sampling_rates can be unique (but followed by a comma, e.g. 50,) or a list (raw, 50). If decimation is required, the input streams will be filtered using a lowpass Cheby2 filter with maxorder=12 (!not zero-phase!).


Once done, you should have three new subfolders: LARGEN containing the indexes, SDS containing the converted data streams (1 subfolder per sampling_rate) and RESP containing the responses of the FF 5Hz in xseed format (1 file per channel, thus 3 per station).